At 06:11 AM 11/9/01 -0600, John Mustarde wrote:

>But now Sigma reports they have discontinued production of that lens -
>because they sell many more of their 135-400 and other long zooms than
>the autofocus APO 400/5.6 Macro.

I noticed this recently.  The upshot is that there are now no third party 
400mm f5.6's being made, AFAIK.  And that's not just for Pentax - that's 
for any brand.

>The point of this is that Sigma's newer long zooms are optically crap,
>compared to the 400/5.6 APO Macro. Reviews and tests show they are
>soft at full aperture at the long end, and not much better stopped
>down. Really barely good enough for 4x6 inch prints, and useless for

One can only wonder about Sigma's marketing strategy.  One one hand they 
are introducing some very good optics in their EX series - all of which 
seem to hold their own, zoom or prime.  They are also presenting some prime 
lenses that really swim against the tide of the zoom based market place - 
like the 28mm f1.8.  But on the other hand they discontinue one of the 
lenses that was generally very well recieved and did a lot to improve their 
image.  They probably have the marketing department decide what to 
introduce and the accounting dept decide what to discontinue...

- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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