   having almost decided to buy the EI-2000 (or the HP stamped
   "version", which is priced now here around 500$), and playing with
   it a little, I have some more questions about it.

   1) hotshoe flash synch - in which exposure modes does it work? in
   manual, sure, but also in Av mode? I often use autoflash on K2 or
   similar older cameras in Av mode with exposure compensation to get
   both flash and ambient in balance - is it possible with EI2000?

   2) what is the iso setting at which there is least noise? Or is
   there any difference between 25 and 50 and 100? Is the 400 setting
   usable at all?

   3) shutter lag - HP 912 sheet says 0.35s lag (it's suprising they
   even mention it, most producers want to hide the fact that their
   cameras have large shutter lag). Compared to film SLR, e.g. K2 or
   LX or SFXn - is that much? How much has e.g. K2 or
   SFXn? Is the lag lessened by prefocusing and locking the focus?

   4) in B&W mode, is it simple using something akin to Luminance
   channel or desaturating in Photoshop, OR does it sample each pixel
   directly to B&W?
   Sampling directly each pixel regardless of the pixel-colour-filter
   would give about 1.5-2x more image detail than in colour! For
   superiour B&W photography...

   please, somebody try this: Tripod mount your Ei-2000 and make a)
   picture in colour b) same pic in B&W mode. Than, desaturate the
   first picture in Pshop, and compare it to second, B&W picture. If
   they are same (un)sharp, it's the worse approach. If the second,
   B&W pic is sharper, it means NO interpolation was used and thus ALL
   THE PIXELS of the CCD are used directly, without interpolation.

      (this interpolation is often evident in colour pics as colour
   shadowing of high-contrast boundaries. simple way to remove it is
   change to LAB mode in photoshop and blur with Median or Gauss both
   the A and B colour channels -about 2-5 pixel radius median works
   well-, leaving the Luminance channel not blurred. Then, combine
   channels and look at the result, most colour artifacts should be
   gone. This greatly improves pics from ANY digital camera! Only
   drawback that sometimes small areas of different colour disappear
   or get desaturated)


Good light,
 Frantisek Vlcek
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