Okay, I'll confess. I've done it, too. LOL!!

A couple of years ago, I had gone out shooting and left my spare cards at
home. I got the bright idea of taking the card from the back-up body. After
downloading all the cards, I reloaded the primary and put it back in the
bag. When I grabbed a camera on the next outing, I accidentally picked up
the 2nd body on my way out.

I now make sure that all cameras have cards BEFORE putting them away after

Of course, the K10D will save my bacon as long as I remember that there is a
spare card in the grip. ;)

-----Original Message-----
frank theriault
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 11:37
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Don't leave home with out one.

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:58 AM, David J Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I always, and i mean always, put my card back in the Dslr it came out
> of,once i have down loaded the photos.
> Well that was true up until yesterday.
> I took the K10D and 16-45 to the show to use as presentation camera. I
> took a few photos over the day, a long one to boot, and when i got
> home last night, went to pop the card out, and guess what,, NO CARD.
> Lucky there was only a few shots, but still, made me feel like quite
> the arse at 10 pm.
> Just a reminder folks, don't be a Davey Dumb Dumb.

Yes, well, you should count yourself lucky.  Think of the alliterative
phrases one can conjure up from my name:  Frankie F**k-up, anyone?


Anyway, about a month ago I wandered out of the house with my *istD
for an afternoon.  For whatever reason, I didn't see much to shoot
that day.  As I got to within a couple of blocks of my apartment, I
went to shoot something completely inconsequential, only to discover
that the body had no card in it.

"Whew!" I thought to myself.  "No harm, no foul.  I'm lucky I didn't
miss any good shots, but who else would be as stupid as me and forget
their card?"

Today you answered my question, Dave!


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept." -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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