Another potential sleeper is the Kiron 105mm f2.8 macro.  I bought mine for 
$140 a few years ago and I have absolutely no quibbles about it's 
quality.  Goes to 1:1 without accessories.

I think that the A 100 f2.8 macro would be ideal, but the two I've seen on 
ebay went in the neighborhood of $700.  I rarely use my Kiron since getting 
the A* 200 macro, so could never justify the expense.


At 06:32 AM 12/1/01 -0800, you wrote:
>I was hoping that the friendly folks on the list could help me decide on a
>macro lens, roughly in the 100 mm range, prefer 1:1 but 1:2 okay.
>I would like to take casual portraits with it and an occasional macro shot.
>My main concern is optical quality.
>I noticed that the Macro 100mm f/3.5 SMCP-FA Auto Focus Lens is fairly
>inexpensive new... any particular reason?  Is optical quality good?  I had
>been set on buying a 100f4.0 M.  I use to have one and liked it as far as
>optical quality.
>I also noticed several Tamron 90 mm adaptall lenses.  I have often read on
>the list that tamron AF are well respected.  I would be fine without the AF
>capability.  How are those?  There seems to be several variations--anyone
>know anything about these?
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- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
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