I totally agree that the enhance D.O.F. of small format digitals is a boon 
in macro photography.  It opens up whole new creative possibilities.  But, 
for every door that opens another closes - the ability to employ a narrow 
DOF in portraits, for instance, is not present.  I've tried creating Bokeh 
in photoshop, but I could never get one that looked realistic.  Possibly my 
limited PS skills, though.

One problem with small format digitals and macros, though, is that it is 
very hard to get higher magnification macros.  I use a digital with an 8 - 
24mm zoom.  Close up lenses designed for 35mm don't work, nor does reverse 
mounting a lens on the camera, for the simple reason that the focal length 
of the digital is so small.  And if you could put the lens on enough 
extension for more magnification (impossible with a built in zoom, but for 
the sake of discussion...) the working distance of a lens with such small 
focal length would be nil.

The DOF is a big boon in shots that are the equivalent of shots up to 1:1 
in 35mm format, but so far I haven't been able to figure out how to go higher.


At 05:51 PM 12/8/01 +0100, you wrote:
>I see some more opportunities for small CCD cameras. What about the (much)
>larger D.O.F.? I did not see much discussion about this point. For some time
>I thought that the larger D.O.F of smaller CCD size was a disadvantage for
>digital photography, but I'm changing my mind for a new way of working: take
>the picture with everything as sharp as possible and add the creative
>unsharpnes (including bokey) in photoshop!
>For macro photography, the increase of DOF is realy very welcom!
>Another advantage for the optics of small size CCD is that the difficult
>compromise between all optical aspects can be broken. That would lead to
>better and/or cheaper lenses. For instance allow more geometric distosion in
>favour of better sharpness and/or coma. The geometric distorsion could be
>corrected digitally. This digital correction could be a one time calibration
>by showing a square to the camera and telling the camera that that is a
>square. Of course at different zoom positions. Is this crazy? Or just
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- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
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