I always thought that the alligator guy was a bit of a buffoon, but in one 
episode (filmed in the Appalachians) he's sitting down and trying to lure 
an eastern diamondback rattler out of its den - only he realizes he's 
sitting _on_ another den.  All buffoonery disappeared and you get a glimpse 
of a very smart and very intense personality.

He's probably a good photographer but most importantly, he doesn't take 
himself too seriously, so he hits the market right.  Pentax certainly isn't 
the brand of pretentious self-serious people...


At 09:13 AM 12/10/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Paul J. wrote:
> > i hadn't thought of it that way, as he being ours spokesman.
> >
> > I wonder if he is a decent photographer. i kinda doubt he is.
> >
> > I hope Americans dont  see him as a Spokesman for Australia!
>I wonder too about the connection to photography. Maybe I've just been
>immersed in "photography culture" for too long, but the Jack Hanna
>nature-guy type of thing doesn't make a connection to photography for me.
>(I'd much rather see just a good big portrait of a camera with some prints
>and a Spotmatic in the background, even.)
>My experience in the magazine biz is that non-specialist marketers don't
>always have the surest insights about marketing photography. I had an
>interesting experience with a newsstand consultant my company hired. He was
>NYC hotshot who charged a pile of money. He had all sorts of rules for
>designing covers that would sell--pretty girls, white background, lots of
>blurbs in the upper left hand corner, lots of color. So we hired a
>professional fashion photographer, followed all his rules to the T, and
>produced a cover entirely to his guidelines. He approved highly of our
>[Jul/Aug 1997 for those who might have back issues of _Photo Techniques_.]
>A little while earlier I had done a cover with a cyanotype of a cow skull
>and the single blurb, centrally placed, that said "The New Cyanotype"
>[Jan/Feb 1997]. The newsstand consultant wrote a 2-page diatribe to the
>publisher about how awful the cover was, how I was ignoring his advice and
>learning nothing from him, and that the cover was one of the worst he'd ever
>Guess which one sold better on the newsstand for us? The cow skull cover, by
>a good margin. The fashion shot that followed all the "cover" rules was a
>weak seller for us.
>I don't know from marketing. But I had one little advantage--I knew my
>I'd bet dollars to doughnuts I could come up with a marketing campaign that
>would spike Pentax's sales.
>But of course I'm not a marketer. <g>
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- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
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