Thanks for the good advices.

Best regards,

On 09/03/31 23:21, "Bob W" <> wrote:

>> I liked very much of the two photos, but I'd like to ask something.
>> These kind of photography attracts me a lot, but I usually
>> tend to be a bit
>> embarrassed to point the camera at someone in order to catch
>> the moment, as
>> you did, sometimes because If I am going to be quick enough
>> it seems I am
>> steeling that picture, other times if I wait a bit to much
>> they look at me
>> and a lot of things can happen. How do you manage to do these
>> beautiful and
>> touching photos.
>> And this question it's not just for you because some of the
>> guys here in the
>> list have lovely photos of moments like those.
>> Best regards,
>> Manuel 
> it takes practice. Sometimes people are just too absorbed to notice what
> you're doing. Other times they notice, but let you have the shot. And of
> course, quite often they don't want you to take the shot so, depending on
> the situation, you either walk away or grab it anyway.
> Some photographers can make themselves invisible somehow. In fact, the more
> you take this kind of photo the more easily you can make yourself invisible.
> I think it is something to do with confidence, observation and knowing when
> to raise the camera.
> John Malcolm Brinnin wrote a memoir of the time he spent travelling around
> the US with Henri Cartier-Bresson. In it he describes how HCB took about 20
> photographs of one woman just walking from one room to another, with HCB,
> and the woman didn't even notice. He also describes them going to a gambling
> den - "For more than an hour he photographed the play at pool tables and
> slot machines, working so unobtrusively that his subjects seemed unaware of
> him or, if they were, unperturbed by the intrusion of a presence so patently
> bland".
> So the secret of good photography is this: be patently bland.
> Bob
> --
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