On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 06:45:06AM -0500, Nick Wright wrote:
> Haha...
> I love making photographs. I just decided that the medium doesn't
> matter as much as I thought it did (especially when I started counting
> up how much it was going to cost me to keep shooting film).

It's not the silly or provocative thing that usually gets "Mark"ed,
but in a way the above paragraph is more significant than most of
them. Every sensor, camera body and film has it's strengths and
weaknesses, but they all deal with the same basic physics of light
going through a lens.

> Besides I have been shooting almost all digital since 2001, I ought to
> know a thing or two about it by now.

One would think. Then again I've been shooting since 1973, and I ought
to know a lot more about photography in general by now. I don't know
what sort of digital cameras that you've been using were, but I wonder
how much of you dislike has been the specific camera. 

> Thanks for the compliment though. ;D

You earned it.

The fastest way to get your question answered on the net is to post
the wrong answer.
Larry Colen             l...@red4est.com            http://www.red4est.com/lrc

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