If you can find a manual for the *ist DS2, that is written with the
2.0 software in mind.
Regards,  Bob S.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Luiz Felipe<> wrote:
> Well, after a long battle my DS arrived home. Alive and kicking, quickly
> demolished a set of ancient NiMH from Rayovac or something like that...
> currently working on a set of Philips NiMH 2300 mAH, and accepting gladly
> kingston 2GB SD cards. But that's after the firmware upgrade to 2.02.
> Works fine indeed. Still trying it out, but so far I'm very happy with it,
> low res by today stds and all. Next step? Depending on money issues, a
> second camera - maybe a Demo K7 at the right moment... assuming I manage to
> go in person or find a proper courier, the a$$%*le that brought me the DS
> managed to cost me not only the dreaded import tax, but also a fine because
> said carrier decided to lie about the goods on her bag. At least she didn't
> try to bribe the officers...
> After some experience with a Xti and its kit lens, the DA 18~55 looks like a
> dream. Not only because of its nonrotating front element (Cokin set in the
> bag again!!), but because it's going wider than 24mm before any vignetting
> is noticeable in the viewfinder of a borrowed ZX5, wide open. Trying to
> preview DOF and realistic vignetting with my current crop of 35mm is futile,
> since the lens closes all the way down.
> There is hope, since I seldom close my wide lenses past 11 - more often
> they're not closing past 8.0... Did some crude tests today, and will return
> to this matter shortly, as soon as the film is developed and scanned. Bottom
> line, I may get to use it with film at least past 28mm, probably close to
> 24mm, possibly wider if I kick the panorama mask in. Useful. Too bad I can't
> control the aperture in the Mx/ Lx. That would be super... Possibly there is
> a cheap ZX body in my future.
> Mixed results with flash, so far. I should stop being cheap and getting a
> proper unit, but I'm very fond of my 280t's and vivitar 285... and those
> taxes and fines almost doubled the price of the camera. High price we pay
> here in Brasil.
> Still getting to know the camera better, despite the constantly read
> eletronic manual - the 2.02 firmware makes some subtil changes. All things
> considered, I'd call it a good move. Next, some pics... soon.
> --
> Luiz Felipe
> luiz.felipe at
> --
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