I think the "Next Big Thing" will be the sensor/firmware correcting for pieces 
of the image.  Lightening up shadows, dimming highlights, etc.  You could 
bracket and combine or simply make each individual photodiode smarter.  You 
could adjust it do anything you want, but the sensor would always adjust each 
piece for maximum detail.   Of course, they are already thinking about/making 
stuff like this.   

-----Original Message-----
From: pdml-boun...@pdml.net [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of 
Christine Aguila
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 7:53 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: The BS of Digital Photography

From: "Tom C" <caka...@gmail.com>
> It seems the almost instant gratification of digital capture and the
> speediness of results has been eclipsed by the, OMG factor, and 'what
> do I have to do to adjust this image?'.  Time saved by instant results
> is erased by time spent post-capture processing.
> Does it seem that way to others as well?

Not to me.  Even with digital, I still try to get the best photo in-camera 
to keep the post-capture processing down.  When I started shooting digital, 
I read somewhere that more than 5 or 10 minutes or so on a standard picture 
should be enough post-processing.  I try to follow this rule--obviously 
there are exceptions with playful renderings etc--but for the most part--for 
me--it's a good rule to follow.  I've noticed that as my skills improve, I'm 
even getting a lot faster than 5 minutes.

But I actually think I'm getting faster because I'm trying to pay attention 
to the idiosyncrasies of my equipment--from monitor to camera and lens. 
Also, when I read the book Perfect Exposure, suggested by Bob W, that really 
helped--and Godfrey's suggestion:  "keep the workflow simple"  is at the 
center my photographic workflow.  I have Lightroom and Photoshop Elements 5, 
which I only use for heavy duty cloning or when I want to add goofy graphics 
and text to a shot for some silly playful reason.  For me, using Lightroom 
keeps me focused on trying to get the best photo in-camera.

My biggest insecurity is exposure, though I'm getting a lot better at that, 
but I confess to being a chronic histogram chimper just to be sure, but I'm 
finding that there too I'm needing to chimp less and less.  Also, the 
construction project I'm working on has really helped to improve my 
skills--and I'm grateful for this experience.  I have to get the best shots 
my skills will allow and do it without getting in anyone's way and without 
doing anything stupid that might put myself or someone else in danger--which 
means I have to act smart and think quickly and not waste time--and be in 
tune with my surroundings.  I can't be chimping all the time on the 
construction site--just too much going on and a lot of it can be dangerous. 
I try to apply these skills to all shooting situations--though this excludes 
leisurely photowalks :-).

Lastly, I would just say that I try not to *over-shoot*.  If I start to feel 
I'm just shooting to be shooting, then I stop shooting.  I find this rule 
cuts down on post-processing as well :-).

Cheers, Christine

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