No need to apologize.  Thanks for the tip!  Cheers, Christine

----- Original Message ----- From: "eckinator" <>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: Speaking of SDM...

Sorry Christine, totally missed your question with the answer; yes,
the advice is given for the 50-135 as well and there are some people
saying for the others as well based on an assumption on which I cannot
comment that part of the issue may be due to grease/fat degrading and
causing the drive to go sticky. I would think this is nowadays no
longer an issue with all the knowledge available how to make
grease/fats to order with almost any conceivable property but I am not
qualified in any technical way to say it is altogether BS either
Sorry again

2010/1/13 eckinator <>:
2010/1/13 Christine Aguila <>:

Ecke--is this for just the 16-50? Or is this advice for the 50-135mm as
well? Cheers, Christine

Hi Christine,
my understanding from my readings of failure stats published in the
internet and the few official figures given locally by Pentax country
offices / importers / first line distributors indicate return rates of
roughly 1% for the 16-50 and half that for the the 50-135 which both
sold in huge numbers explaining the number of complaints that surface
on the web and thus the high profile of the issue. Some people are
suggesting there will be SDM only G2 versions of both lenses in the
not too distant future (not sure of those rumors myself) and that they
are selling their lenses to wait for the revised version. I have no
idea if that is true and I haven't a care in the world to lose any
sleep over the issue until my new lens fails again or Pentax where it
goes next week fails to adjust focal plane and lens alignment (lots of
purple fringing and center to edge softness).

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