From: Mark Roberts
John Sessoms wrote:

>From: "P. J. Alling"

>> I think that the law of gravity is unfair and should be repealed.
>Alan Sokal apparently agrees with you ...

The sad thing is I took a class on "Technology and Society" that I could have actually used this to generate my "papers".

Weird class - we had two "textbooks" - Brave New World & Affluenza and had to watch 3 films - Bicentennial Man, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Gattaca.

I actually had my "paper" on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea MARKED DOWN because I made comparisons between the BOOK, the movie and the cultural climate of the times the movie was made.

The instructor didn't like my footnotes. Instead of standard footnotes referencing the quoted text, I was supposed to just Xerox the page and turn it in along with my "paper". Plus I guess a four page "paper" was too long.

The instructor was in kindergarten the last time I had previously written a college paper, and the other students in the class weren't even yet a gleam in anyone's eye ...

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