I lived in LA for most of a year, I never found a person who could manage a conversation that wasn't about themselves, or a driver who knew the rules of the road in their own state, (though truth to tell, any place that /allows/ Motorcycles make a third lane between cars stopped in traffic, probably doesn't have any reason to expect drivers to care).

On 3/29/2010 11:26 AM, John Mullan wrote:
As I lived there for 14 years, and a PDMLer, I guess yes. California is definitely different.

From: "paul stenquist" <pnstenqu...@comcast.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 9:07 PM
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Subject: Re: question for the brits American to English translation

On Mar 28, 2010, at 8:57 PM, John Mullan wrote:

California is like a box of cereal. Take out the fruits and the nuts and you still have the flakes.

Tired old joke. Are you including our numerous California PDML members in that cereal box?

From: "P. J. Alling" <webstertwenty...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 7:36 PM
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Subject: Re: question for the brits American to English translation

On 3/28/2010 3:05 PM, Keith Whaley wrote:
P N Stenquist wrote:

Perhaps it works for me, because I go with a smile on my face and no expectations of problems.


Do you speak any French? Or English with a Canadian accent, perhaps?

We never expect or anticipate problems, but have run into more than our share of surly waiters and counter help here and there.

Just my run of luck, I guess... I love Paris, it just doesn‘t love me back...


Paris is like California, which would be a wonderful place, if it weren't for Californians...

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