Wonderful synopsis of your experience.  I, for one, am glad you took
the time to write it down - helps me to experience it a bit

And when you finish the meaning of life - package it up and sell it
up with a fast motor drive and sell it!

Best regards,

Monday, May 10, 2010, 8:08:10 AM, you wrote:

TC> Thought I'd give my words and thoughts on the exhibit and Chicago trip.

TC> I was actually just finishing typing this up last night when Bill's
TC> summary came through, and I sent it several times but nothing I
TC> originated last night would get to the list.

TC> It was wonderful to meet, in person, those I'd been acquainted with
TC> for some time on line, +12 years in some cases. We met Christine and
TC> Doug at the entrance on the sidewalk.  Instant smiles and hugs.

TC> Bill was Canadian.

TC> The printing job Mark did was astounding! My gallery image had a
TC> quality and feeling that did not come through on a digital display.
TC> The same can be said for the other images.  Cory's was magical in
TC> print.

TC> The gallery was a work of art... far more inspiring than the Eggleston
TC> gallery at the Art Institute. :-) Seriously, but my own photographs
TC> taken with a Brownie Hawkeye at the age of 8 would have rivaled
TC> Eggleston's. No don't take that as a brag, I was a terrible
TC> photographer at 8, always wanting to see the film in the camera, which
TC> did not help matters.

TC> Christine and Sue Barton did an excellent job of organizing and
TC> implementing the event.  For those unable to attend, you'll be happy
TC> to know that we were treated and respected as photographers and
TC> artists, not as a bunch of wannabes.

TC> As in any group, some clicked and bonded more readily than others with
TC> various members, but things were so fast-paced that it was a matter of
TC> not having the time to make the rounds in detail. The cooperation and
TC> goodwill among the PDML members, curators, and vistors was impressive.
TC>  It was noisy, high energy, and for being only three hours, pretty
TC> exhausting.

TC> This was an event the PDML can be singularly proud of, participant or not.

TC> The event and sales also benefit children who are victims of cancer
TC> and their families. So, if hesitant to purchase additional books, or
TC> possibly sponsor riders in an upcoming event that may be announced,
TC> please consider doing so to the extent possible, according to your
TC> desire and means.

TC> In particular, I got to spend a fair amount of time with Christine,
TC> Ann, Bob Sullivan and his wife, Stan Halpin, Doug Brewer, Mark Roberts
TC> and his wife, Boris, Lary Colen, Chris Mitchell and his wife, Tim
TC> Bray, Jay Taylor, Cory Waters and his wife. Sorry if I left anyone
TC> out.  I think I at least met all the PDML members present.

TC> Bill Robb (who is Canadian) and I, stayed up till 4 AM one morning and
TC> 2 AM the next, talking about everything and trying to comprehend the
TC> meaning of life and Space-Time. I'm happy to report that we just about
TC> have it figured out and we'll give an update when we've completed our
TC> analysis and have reached a definitive conclusion. Bill, I told you we
TC> needed just one more bottle.

TC> I never knew Bill slept in the RAW.  He told me he gets better
TC> pictures that way.  I'd have expected footed long johns, with him
TC> being from Canada and that. Of course it might have felt like a
TC> heatwave to him down south in Chicago - or maybe it's something
TC> related to digital? Hard to tell what it was all aboot.

TC> The GPS had a hard time getting a consistent signal in the valley of
TC> skyscrapers they call downtown. Twice it went into a mode where it was
TC> recalculating every 15 seconds even when we had not changed direction.
TC> So sometimes it took us 20 minutes to get somewhere when ot should
TC> have taken just 5.

TC> Chicago was a great photo venue and I'm sure many photos of members
TC> and the areas we visited will start appearing.

TC> A good time was had by all.

TC> To sum it up, You were great. You were fantastic. You were great. You
TC> were ALL great!

TC> Tom C.

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