From: Cory Waters
I have lightroom on my macbook and also on my desktop.? I usually do
most of my work on my desktop but occsionally, like when I'm away
from home, I'll upload photos to my laptop to clear my flash cards
and have a look at what's I've got.? It's no problem then to copy
those photos over to my desktop on my home network and import them
into my desktop library.? I just go to the folder with the photos
from the appropriate dates and plant it in the correct folder on the
other box.? When I import them into the library, they get coppied to
my NAS for another safety copy.? The hitch here is:??I'm likely to
have made?changes to the photo like keywords, developing adjustments,
or selection to a collection while I was looking at them on the
laptop.??Is there any way to?import the photos to my desktop library
with the changes?? I'd also like to?mirror my collections from the
laptop on the desktop.? I'll be picking photos from my trip to,?I
duno, lets say uhhhh Chicago? that I want to put up on my Smugmug
page but when I get home,?the only way I know of to get?that
"collection" on my desktop is?to make a list of file #s?in the
collection and manually select them again.

I'm not sure if I've been clear here so?poke me if you don't
understand what I'm after.? I'll try again. Thanks, CW

It's a little easier to read (& thus understand) if you put in paragraph breaks ... but, IF I understand what you want ...

I Googled "synchronize collections from two copies of Lightroom" and this is what I turned up:

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