William Robb wrote:


Ok, I said I wanted to spend more time with your gallery and I meant it.

The picture out of the round window is very cool.
I tried something similar last September.
Now, you couldn't drink my picture good, but yours works.
I suppose having an interesting subject helps.
Anyway, it's got pretty much everything a person could want in a picture.

I got lucky. It was one of those, "hmmm, this is interesting" shots that worked out. Probably would have worked even without the person in it, but I'm glad she was there.

70387 is nicely dynamic, and well composed.
You've got the walkers at the right time and place. I can only rarely do that, and so get walking people in clumsy poses. One of the pictures in my Chicago gallery has the "Striding Woman" going on in it.
Very poor timing.

Kind of a panic shot. I was lining everything up and the people were heading out pretty fast, while I was shooting through a window and hoping I could keep it a clean shot.

70409 is classic.


DBK70454 needs something. The composition is perfect, but it looks like a movie set of a 1930s American City. The light is perfect, all the details are there, but it is lacking something. I dunno, a couple of swashbucklers fencing with epees, a person on a bicycle, any sign of life. I'd of probably either done something similar, or waited for someone to enter the picture so that I could ruin it with bad timing.

As I mentioned to Mark, I blew a shot with a white car moving through, so I know exactly what you mean. This one is going into the "so close" file.

Was I the only one who noticed how clean Chicago is?

Nope. I was impressed.

DBK70463 is one that wouldn't have surprised me to see in the Eggleston show.

Can't decide if that's a compliment.

DBK70488 perfect composition and light. I tried something like that and got bad light and I missed the train anyway.

May crop to get rid of the remnants of the Staples sign.

DBK70533 cormorant, right?

could be.

DBK70513 I like this one too.
It's another picture that has everthing going for it.

yeah, that's in the "keeper" file.

Anyway, those are the ones I looked at.


William Robb

Thanks for taking the time, Bill. I appreciate it.

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