> I much prefer a single link to an image, or a gallery of thumbnails,
> as opposed to an image thumbnail surrounded by a lot of text.

If you'd taken a look at the links people have provided so far, you'd
have noticed that none of them present images as thumbnails, and most of
them don't require any reading at all.  These are photoblogs, not
necessarily "read about my life" blogs.  I, for one, got tired of no one
caring about my personal life a while back and now am content with no
one caring about my photos.

Now for some definitions:

Blog: a frequently-updated website featuring lots of text about whatever
topic the blog covers (be it politics, sports, or the author's growing
collection of fruit bat stool samples).  May include photos, videos or
other media, but is mainly text.

Photoblog: a frequently-updated website primarily featuring photos with
either no text or small amounts of text.  The photos are the primary
reason the photoblog exists, so whatever accompanying text there may be
generally serves to describe the photo in some way (tech specs, the
story behind the image, etc).  The photos are generally presented at a
reasonably large size.  My photoblog is an example of this

RSS Reader: a web browser-based application that takes RSS feeds from
various websites (imagine a magazine sending out each new article
individually in the mail as soon as it is completed, rather than you
having to go to the newsstand to buy a complete issue each month. That's
an RSS feed, except it's all free) and puts them all in one location. 
Google Reader is one of many RSS readers, and makes it infinitely easier
for me to follow the dozens of blogs and photoblogs I follow.

I just wanted to clear that up, even if you still aren't interested in
following anyone's photoblogs.



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