Like I said, I really really really missed focus, Focus. That's full frame with three doses of focus correction. My first attempt looked a bit more natural but I screwed something else up, (deleted, I can't remember what I didn't like). I'm putting up with the over-sharpened look for now. Maybe I'll revisit when I feel a bit less beat. Major heat wave going on here, no air, and I only really want to drink Iced Tea, and vegetate.

On 7/6/2010 10:02 PM, Rick Womer wrote:
A well-caught moment, Peter, but it looks over-cropped and over-sharpened to me.


--- On Tue, 7/6/10, P. J. Alling<>  wrote:

From: P. J. Alling<>
Subject: PESO -- Bad News?
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List"<>
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 9:52 PM
Sometimes even an old newsy feels a
bit guilty, but a good image is a good image, (well the
content is good, I missed the exact focus and Focus Magic
can only do so much).

At the fireworks display.  This young woman was, well
quite fetching, so I decided to snap a shot, while I was
focusing her phone apparently rang and I took the picture as
I saw her expression change...

Equipment:  Pentax K20D w/smc Pentax M*300mm f4.0

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

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