One reason I got rid of my DA 40 was it was just an awkward foc length that 
wasn't good for much. I wonder how cheap Pentax could make a decent small 35 mm 
------Original Message------
From: Adam Maas
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
ReplyTo: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Interesting Rumour
Sent: Sep 5, 2010 8:46 AM

Apparently Pentax will be announcing 2 new lenses with the K-r and
K-5. A cheap 35/2.4 normal and a 18-125 consumer superzoom. The 35/2.4
will be plastic-mount and sub-$200 USD. Given the slow speed when the
equivalents from Nikon and Sony are f1.8, I'm also expecting it to be
quite small.


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