From: Godfrey DiGiorgi

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 8:12 PM, John Sessoms <> wrote:
>> So RAW and DGN are the same thing?
> Not quite.
> .DNG is one raw format, .PEF is another. Pentax DSLRs can save raw files in
> either format. All .PEF files are raw files, all .DNG files are raw files,
> but not all raw files are .PEF or .DNG files.
> And since Panasonic uses .RAW as their raw file extension, all .RAW files
> are raw files, but not all raw files are .RAW files. A .RAW file may not
> even be a camera file, because Real Audio and Win Amp both have a .RAW file
> of their own.
> (Yes, I have taken my pain medicine!)
> Nikon raw files are .NEF. Canon raw files are .CR2; Sony has .SRF or .SR2
> ...
> The "advantage of DNG" is that Adobe will *ALWAYS and forever* support .DNG,
> since it's their own "camera raw" format. They offer a free stand-alone DNG
> converter.
> If you get a new camera whose raw file format is not supported by the Adobe
> Camera Raw that came with your (older) version of PhotoShop, and you don't
> want to upgrade PhotoShop, you can download the latest and greatest DNG
> converter, shoot raw and process them into .DNG files using the DNG
> converter.
> Then you can open them in any version of PhotoShop since PhotoShop7.
The convention of using capitalized "RAW" for raw files is pretty
common, John. I don't see any reason to confuse people with all the
various file extension specifics.

Lighten up Godfrey.

The juxtaposition of raw, .RAW, .whatever is just amusing wordplay.

I bet you're one of those people who can't see the forest for the trees.

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