The test copy of the 2011 PDML Photo Annual looks great. My S.O. had
judged it the best one yet, both in terms of book design and the
photography it contains. High praise indeed. There are very few image
tweaks to be made and a couple of typos that slipped through the
gauntlet. I should hear in the next day or so about the Pediatric
Oncology Global Outreach official status with Dana-Farber and I'll
make the necessary additions/changes to the copy in the book. We'll be
good to go at that point. Monday? Tuesday? I want to get in under the
wire for the Blurb sale price thing.

I'd like to send out a few copies of the book for promotional purposes
- to a couple web sites and print publications, some people at Pentax
who've helped and to a couple of the physicians and scientists who are
working on the project. My current part-time faculty position leaves
me in no financial position to pay for this on my own as I have in
previous years, so if any PDMLers are in a position to kick in a
couple of dollars I've set up a donations page at to help defray the cost
of producing and promoting the PDML Photo Annual. 

Big thanks.
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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