Hi all, 
Lots of reading to catch up with the list. The Photographic society that I 
belong to along with groups from Little Rock, Ft. Smith, Tulsa, and Springfield 
put on MAPSYM (Mid America Photographic Symposium) this last weekend. I was in 
charge of getting the setup complete for each presenter. The main presenters 
were Jenifer Wu, a Canon Explorer of Light, and Bill Fortney as well as several 
regional photographers. It was a pleasure meeting both of them. Many of you 
Bill and know what a caring person he is. He sat down with me and went through 
my Airshow book page by page. He really gave me great positive feedback on the 
book. Really a good feeling. 

Now just a couple of weeks before GFM to  get caught up. Can't wait. Will be 
nice to be a participant rather that running my butt off trying to get 
everything ready for five presenters each cycle. 

Once I get back from GFM, will have about a week or so before having to head to 
California for a family event. Haven't gotten that trip planned yet but do know 
that we have to visit the coast, drive up to Idaho, and want to go to 
Arches/Moab area for some time. Going to be a busy month. 


 "The eye of the viewer becomes the eye of the Photographer." Albert Maysles

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