a) The bane of the problem is comparison of Pentax to the Canikons for
everything. Remember unrest in a family starts when we start chiding
and comparing our son with uncle Joe's.
b) It is true MSRP always co-existed with Street Prices. And we
enjoyed buying gear at Street Prices. Look at DP Review. They always
assured you that street prices would be lower whenever they reviewed a
new product.
Just that there will be no co-existence now, and MSRP will be forced
down our throats. Do you or anyone for this matter enjoy this.
c)I am addressing this mail to the (2) camps that has emerged - one
for and one against smart Bunnell. Is their a third camp?
d) Old fart Pentaxians like me will tell you that that we bought
Pentax because they were good reliable stuff at down to earth prices.
Again please don't compare with the Canikons as some one asks here,
quote - " (i) So Tom, are you saying that the only reason you and
others use Pentax gear is to get a lower price? (ii) I, and at least a
few others, use Pentax because we prefer their product to Nikon,
Canon, and other brands". Note there are (2) camps in this statement -
first represented by price and second by quality or good or preferred
vs only one in the old fart's statement above - desire to buy
considering price and quality/perception of good as a single entity.
OK the point I am making here is that we can go on agreeing to
disagree, when in reality no one likes a sudden huge increase in
prices, Humans that we are, we WILL crib about it. Unless you are
in-human - ha ha, don't get upset or angry at my use of in-human, just
a joke for both the camps.
Regards. Bipin - from a far away enchanting land.

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