...to sell your Pentax stuff and want some help getting top dollar,
I've got a pretty good procedure set up for Pentax Forums.
To get top dollar, it helps to be a little bit patient. I helped
Joseph McAllister dispose of about $3500 worth of his lenses on
PentaxForums Marketplace.
If anything, this higher dollar for new lenses helps you out on the
used market values so if you decide to jump it is as good a time as
any. I've had good success selling worldwide (and you often get your
higher dollar from out-of-USA sales). The feedback system of PF
Marketplace helps you know you are dealing with reputable people.

Don't know if you have an account there or not, but I've completely
given up on eBay for Pentax stuff because after you factor in the
hassle of setting up the auctions and the cut eBay takes, I think
selling through PF Marketplace is a much easier deal.


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