Thanks, Mark!  Yes, indeed, there is a Comfort Inn next door; I just checked on 
google maps.  Funny story about your stay there!

As to Photo Doodles, the writer and the artist have their journal to doodle in, 
but the photographer doesn't really have the same type of thing.  They can 
print, of course, and paste the prints in a journal--and, indeed, I have done 
that in the past.  But I'm thinking like you of doing something 
digitally--called Photo Doodles--a blog or something, that would be private 
only for me.  Great minds think alike, aye?  :-)  Cheers, Christine

On Apr 21, 2012, at 2:51 PM, Mark C wrote:

> Nice shots - the tulips have a great color tone, almost unearthly.
> I htink I stayed in a hotel next to the Tokyo Hotel - is there a Comfort Inn 
> or something like that next to it? Years ago I got a cheap room through some 
> internet site and part of what made it cheap was that it had no street view. 
> The buildings abuted on the ground floor but a few stories up there  was just 
> a gap maybe 20 feet wide between our hotel and the Tokyo Hotel - almost like 
> an air shaft. I remember watching hand washing his clothes and hanging them 
> on a makeshift clothes line (a pole actually) out of his window...
> Photo doodles is a great idea - I started a new sub-blog a couple weeks ago 
> that I'm calling "Diddles" with basically the same intent, though the only 
> rule I have imposed upon myself is to limit it to photos from my domicle 
> (which I define as the area around where ever I am sleeping on a particular 
> day.)
> - MCC
> On 4/21/2012 12:39 PM, Christine Aguila wrote:
>> Hi Everyone:
>> I'm trying to get out of this photographic slump.  I had a retirement party 
>> to attend last night, and when I left for home, I had to force myself to get 
>> the camera out of its bag.  "Just take some playful pics," I kept saying to 
>> myself.  Finally I listened.  "Keep shooting," that little voice kept 
>> shouting.  The last five frames were taken on the way to the train about 
>> 7:30ish p.m.  The first two are day-shots I took some time back--who knows 
>> when and who cares.
>> Once I started shooting, I passed by the closest train stop and kept 
>> walking; I started at the Merchandise Mart off the Brown line, headed east 
>> over to Michigan ave, then north to the Chicago and State Red line stop.  It 
>> was windy and cold, but I have to say, in the end, it felt great--no where 
>> near my usual photographic groove, but to state the obvious, it ain't gonna 
>> come back if I don't get the camera out and press the shutter!!!  So, once 
>> again, nothing great, and just bear with me while I try to get myself out of 
>> this slump.
>> There are captions under the photos!  cheers, Christine
> -- 
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