On 11/09/2012 1:10 PM, John Celio wrote:

Which do you think would serve Pentax better in the marketplace "SMC-HD"
or "HD-SMC"?

SMC-HD. It keeps the SMC label prominent and adds the acronym that
modern consumers know means "high definition." HD on its own is almost
meaningless due to the term's hypersaturation in tech marketing
culture, but adding it after Pentax's long-lived SMC label indicates
to new users that it's good quality and to old users that it's an
update of a well-known technology.

Switching to "HD" on its own is a really bad idea, in my opinion.

Absolutely right, John. This is throwing the brand name to the curb, and the only reason I can think of for doing it is because someone, Hoya perhaps, discovered that Pentax lost the rights to the brand name along the way. I am giving Ricoh credit for having some brains here, otherwise the face of Pentax is only a different kind of dumb from how it was before, in my opinion.
We should have a pile on Pentax thread.


William Robb

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