On 13/03/2013 11:04 PM, Tom C wrote:
While I appreciate the nostalgia around Kodak and the Instamatic, I
think it was a travesty.

It short changed the general public, millions of people, including my
father and myself for a good 20 years (not knowing any better being
born in 1960) into accepting crap quality images in exchange for

I wish the idea had never been invented, unless it was going to be
provided in a larger format, which of course would have negated the

I tend to think Kodak's demise is little recompense for the damage
they did to photography after practically inventing it for the common
The 126 was a continuation of Kodak's commitment to making photography as easy as possible for commoners. The whole drop in cartridge idea (something they stuck with from the introduction of 126 in 1963 right through to the discontinuation of APS film a couple of years ago) was because of their make it easy philosophy. Everything Kodak introduced from the 126 on was some sort of drop in cartridge. It's also why the early Kodaks came preloaded and you shot your pictures and sent the entire camera to the processor.


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