I sincerely meant that apology. I was trying to let the whole thing
drop, but I guess some people kept responding. Let me be clear: I have
a growing distrust of the US federal government. Right now a bill is
passing through congress that would allow them to openly monitor all
of our communications. The patriot act would have never have passed
without 9/11 happening. Now they can arrest you, declare you a
terrorist and never even have to give you a trial. Is indefinite
detention american? Is having checkpoints along the highways american?
Do they make us any safer? I'm really sorry that the bombings
happened. I'm glad the people involved were killed or arrested. I fear
that as more of these events happen, more of our rights and freedoms
will be taken away in the name of security.

My original comment was an attack at the government more than
anything. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk in any way, but I guess
that some people would find such commentary unamerican. I don't
proclaim to have any answers at all, but I do have a great deal of
questions. I find the recent actions by our government downright
disturbing. I don't think I would be surprised in the least to learn
about a domestic false flag. Heck, the CIA had a false flag operation
in planning in the 60s. We fought two wars based upon their
"intelligence." Maybe Osama was behind 9/11, I don't know. They were
convinced Saddam had weapons of mass destruction too. Or at least they
wanted the world to believe that. I do know the CIA has tapes of bin
Laden stating over the phone that he had nothing to do with the
attacks. If he didn't, who did? I don't want to start a flame war. I
want to love my country and trust that people are trying to do the
right thing, but knowing that this e-mail will pass through some
government equipment somewhere so they can record it is really not
cool with me. If they can't look through my mail what gives them the
right to read my e-mail?

So look I'm not a jerk, and I think someone that would attack another
list member and then offer them no chance to even apologize is rather
spineless. I long ago accepted that people might not like what I have
to say, but I don't just blacklist people because they said something
I didn't agree with. Who knows. Maybe I am a jerk. I like to think
that I have my heart in the right place most of the time. I'm pretty
sure we've all done something that has offended other people at one
point or another. You damn sure can't make everyone happy, though I am
a sucker for trying from time to time. Too bad, I thought those two
guys were alright.

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