Mark, if you plan to visit the classical Italian Cities do not forget
to carry a SWA Lens like the Sigma 10-20. The streets are pretty
narrow and you will suddenly find yourself in a huge square with very
tall monuments, Churches and Towers which the standard 16 or 18 mm
lenses cannot cope with. I found the Sigma 10-20 and the Tamron 28-300
a great carry on - short and light too - not tiring at all. I left
behind my fast f 2.8 Zooms - too big and heavy.
In many of the monuments tripods are a no no, so find out in advance.
And be careful of gear, passports and cash/credit cards being stolen -
Italy is pretty bad for this organized crime, especially in parts of
Have fun and good luck.
Bipin - from that far away enchanting land.

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