So yesterday I discovered there's a guy who makes a 110-to-micro4/3
lens adapter with a built-in aperture:

As you probably know, Auto 110 lenses don't have apertures in them, as
that was part of the camera body. This means adapters without an
aperture only allow you to shoot wide open. Intrigued by this adapter
from RJ Camera, I sent them an email asking if they were planning to
make a similar adapter for the Q mount. Here's the answer I received

> Hi John,
> Thanks for the message...
> I'm going to give it a try :-)   but it will not be cheap though... price is 
> to be around $75...   :-)
> best,
> R.J.

I replied that I would be just fine with that price as long as it
works as well as the m4/3 adapter. I found some photos people posted
using the adapter yesterday while researching this subject, and the
results looked very good. The ability to stop down these lenses makes
them perform pretty well!

I don't know about you guys, but I think this is pretty exciting! I've
wanted to use my Auto 110 lenses on a digital body for as long as
digital bodies have existed, but the lack of aperture control always
stopped me. Since I plan on owning a Q7 by the middle of next year,
this adapter will be high on my list of accessories to get right away.


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