Darren Addy Wrote:
> That's very nice work, John. I must have missed the 6x7 illustration.
> I'll have to go back and find it.

Thanks Darren. The 6x7 post made it to the web archive and the digest,
but it was around the time someone else mentioned a lot of emails
weren't getting to them, so I think it may not have made it out to the
rest of the PDML. Anyway, here it is:

Steve Harley wrote:
> you seem to be doing a serious design process here - not sure i caught the
> background, but it's definitely intriguing and thoughtful; if you are still
> stuck i will see about doing a shot of a lensless ZX-5n

Thanks Steve. I'm not so sure about the background, either, but I
liked it enough at the time. Or, if you meant the background as to why
I'm doing this, well, it's mostly just for fun. I seem to be in a very
creative state of mind lately, and I've been thinking about doing a
project like this for a while. Thanks for offering to shoot your
ZX-5n, but I've actually got one of those (it's my only remaining 35mm
camera), Unfortunately, it's just different enough from the ZX-30 that
I can't use it. :(

Incidentally, I decided last night to make illustrations of the *istD,
K10D and K-5, too. I sold my *istD ages ago, but I still have the
K10D. I fired it up this morning for the first time in years to take
photos of my K-5. It was like shaking hands with an old friend. :)


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