On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Christine Aguila
<christ...@caguila.com> wrote:
> Well, we made it home from our 2,267 mile road trip!  I’ve been working on 
> photos this morning and wondered which crop you might prefer?  I caught these 
> cuties during recess outside their grammar school.  The shot was a bit 
> rushed; I didn’t get as close as I would have liked given I had the 21mm on 
> the camera.  Still, I got some good looks and poses.  But I would very much 
> like to know which crop you prefer.  There’s something wonderful about all 
> that brick and those trees, but the kids expressions really pop on the other 
> crop.
> http://www.caguila.com/bostonkids/index.html

    Because, in this particular case, I'm not a "people photography"
person (i.e. I prefer photos without people in them), and moreover a
beginner in photography, I prefer not express opinions about photos,
but instead to "sit" and learn from others on this list.

    However in this case my gut feeling goes with number 1, i.e. the
wider shot, although in opposition with the majority of the votes
(only Bruce liked #1 best);  therefore I've said to add +1 to it, and
state my reasons.  :)

    My primary attraction in the wider shot, as Christine said, is the
    * except for the children the entire photo has the same color
tone, i.e. reddish from the bricks, with some contrasting green;  only
the children break this rule;
    * I find the photo to be nicely layered: children, two trees,
brick wall, brick building;
    * then I like the mood of the surrounding, calm, "old" and silent,
contrasting with the youth and energy of the children;

    The only things that bothered me were:
    * the lamp-post to the left, although cropping it out gets too
close to the girl on the left;
    * the large trunk on the right, or at least the space between it
and the right margin;  now I've tried to crop the tree out with my
hand, but the photo looses its "touch" for me;  however cropping only
half of the tree keeps some of its magic;
    * too much empty space at the bottom left, and it feels like the
children fall down;  I would try to put the children lower in the
frame, thus emphasize on the background;

    As said, I'm not a people's person, thus my notes go towards the

    Either way, nice shots,

    P.S.:  I wonder how the picture would have looked and felt without
the children in it?

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