Louis Lunch is one of half a dozen places in the US that has some valid claim to inventing the modern hamburger. They used to be open between 11 AM and 3 PM, but since the entire building was moved to it's present location, to make way for a Southern New England Telephone Co. (SNET), building, it's now in the entertainment district, and open till 1 or 2 PM to feed the bar crowds as they begin to wend their way home at closing time. SNET is gone now, bought by the New AT&T and the building is essentially abandoned but Louis endures.


Equipment: Pentax K-5II w/smc Pentax FA 43mm Limited f1.9.

Notes: Pretty much the same rendering process as "Wing Man" but a bit of burning in of unwanted highlights.

As usual comments are welcome but may be totally ignored.

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve 
immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen

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