So the submission period ended nearly three weeks ago. The editorial
staff (me, Bill and Listmeister Doug) have been grinding through the
process of narrowing down the field and pairing up photos for page
spreads. Most of that work is done and I'm starting to put things

A significant portion of the design work was fleshed out while the
photos were still coming in (even the cover was mostly finished months
ago) but there's still quite a bit to do. It's coming along nicely and
I don't see any major obstacles at this point. Even the fonts I've
chosen this year seem to be cooperating – only one of them has
necessitated my designing a character for any of our overseas members
who use funny alphabets (that's YOU, Jostein Øksne!)

I'll be having a meeting with the team at Dana-Farber shortly and I'll
see if Carlos has any new photos from his travels to the clinics they

More updates will follow whenever there's news to report!
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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