
Yep, I felt I was going too "nerdy" with that.
In any case, - thanks for the pointers, those are useful.

As I wrote before, this is more of an "academic" interest for me, rather than anything practical.


 Mark C Thu, 16 Apr 2015 10:08:16 -0700 wrote:

Very detailed questions that I can't even try to answer. I expect that the specifics could vary a lot in different jurisdictions.

I do want to clarify that I was not accurate when said that commercial use was basically when you made money from the photo. Your first examples suggested using the photos for publications or advertising which I believe would be commercial use. But I don't think hat the same issues pertain to all situations where one makes money from the photo. Obviously, newspapers try to make money off the content they publish, but none the less journalistic use in not the same as commercial. Selling individual prints for profit may or may not be commercial use.

Suggested topics to search: "right of publicity" and "Nussenzweig v. DiCorcia"


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