I had Lifepixel convert my Lumix GX8 and sold the Oly E-PL5. I went full
spectrum.  I bought into the mirrorless conversion for ease of use.  I
cannot get it straight if Pentax live view would work as well. I read some
articles and I have a K-x.  It is moot for now tho.  You may know better
since you have experience.  

I have two really good lens and can adapt my Pentax lenses for fun.  The GX8
has a bright lcd and bright viewfinder.  For outdoor use I think this will
help me a lot.

kolarivision.com and precisioncamera.com  and lifepixel.com all do

"I like photographs but my ability for critique is limited to some
expression of "I like it".  Otherwise "I don't like it" (probably a bug or
snake) or indifferent (probably a cat)."

-----Original Message-----
From: PDML [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of Larry Colen
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 5:39 PM
To: Pentax-Discuss List <pdml@pdml.net>
Subject: On the subject of Infrared

Back when I had a working IR K-5, I bought a large sheet of plastic IR
filter, about 1/8" thick to make filters for speedlights and studio flashes
so that they would only transmit in IR.  It was much cheaper than buying the
3" squares of gel from B&H.  If anybody needs some, in order to have an IR
only light source, let me know.

If I were to do something like convert on of my old bodies to IR (or full
spectrum), who is doing a good, reasonably priced, job on Pentax DSLRs these

My preference for an IR body would be to have the body be full spectrum, and
if I need IR only, or visible only, just put a filter in front of the lens.
With live view, IR only is much less of an issue. I had some difficulty
finding IR block filters. Does anyone have specific recommendations for

Larry Colen  l...@red4est.com (postbox on min4est) http://red4est.com/lrc

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