I had commented a few days ago about howI couldn't get the red and orange of the cars at Canepa to come out right in lightroom. Yesterday, when I was at Roaring Camp, I put my colorchecker on my red miata and did a couple of test shots. The red of the car came out just fine, with no need for tricky color balancing.

My theory now is that the tungsten lights, being so orange, required me to dial down the red in the color balance so far in order to make everything else look proper, that the red/orange of the cars themselves was also dramatically muted.

In short, it seems that if I want something that is red to look really red in photos, I need to make sure that I shoot it in more blueish light, rather than reddish light. I'm going to need to go back to Canepa soon with a flash. I'm sure that will be an interesting challenge. I'll try bouncing the light off the ceiling, I may need to use some sort of soft box as well. I expect that managing the reflections off the ceiling will be difficult.

I also expect that Paul is rolling with laughter because he's probably been dealing with these exact challenges for years.

Larry Colen  l...@red4est.com (postbox on min4est) http://red4est.com/lrc

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