I bought a new toy yesterday, took a few snapshots on my way home from brekkies today.

I know there are some people who hate on Subarus, but this one seems to be mechanically solid, it was relatively cheap (same out the door as State Farm paid me for damage to the Screaming Buttweasel), and I talked the dealer (who specializes in used Subarus) into throwing in a set of alloy rims for me to mount track tires on for about $80).

I figure that if I get a couple of years out of it, I'll be happy. They get decent mileage, it seems pretty fun to drive and I'd like to get some seat time at the track in an AWD car, because I'd like to expand my skill set.

Some guys are accused of buying cars with big V-8 as a means of compensation, maybe with this car I'm compensating for my lack of a vagina. Now I need to track down a rainbow racing stripe for it.

note to Nicole: I'm only joking about the rainbow racing stripe.

-- Larry Colen l...@red4est.com (postbox on min4est) http://red4est.com/lrc

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