Take a photo, print it at 8x10, let the computer do the math

On January 12, 2017 3:24:17 PM PST, David J Brooks <pentko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi all
>I have decided to channel my inner David Savage and have started
>taking weekly drawing classes. I have come at the end of the fall
>classes but will start the winter in a fw weeks. The instructor
>suggested i start off using what some of the other students are doing
>and use the grid system, especially since i want  to work on my
>perspective. I am using prints from some of my old building shots.
>My problem is this. I have several pictures that printed out 4 3/4" x
>7" and i want to draw it onto an 8x10 frame in my sketch book. I have
>looked through google but most of the info shows how to double or half
>the picture not how to do the odd sizes I;m horrible at this part of
>mathematics, but, can someone suggest a google page or math page??so i
>can work out the ratio

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