Mark Roberts wrote:
It's been a busy week with the end of the semester coinciding with the
release of the PDML Photo Annual, so it's taken me a long time to
throw together a gallery of photos from last week's race. It's a bit
rough and hurried but it should give you an idea of what the event was

Nice set, too bad you were on the wrong side of the track wall.

Passing on a critique I got about my attempts at race photography, a bit more variety in the shutter speed would have been nice. I have no complaints about the technical quality, but they start to all look the same. Of course there's a difference between when you have to get a decent shot every time, and it doesn't matter if you blow a bunch of shots in the quest to get a great shot.

No matter how good your gear is this kind of photography takes skill.
Practice is vital for this kind of work and I very much noticed how
out of practice I am. My race day photos would have been much better
if I'd bought a three day pass and photographed all the practice and
qualifying sessions first – just a couple of days practice would have
helped me get back a lot of my motorsports photography technique.

I guess that means you need to spend more time practicing at the local races.

Still a fun weekend.

Larry Colen, (postbox on min4est)

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