Thanks for the heads up, and for this story Ann!

On Tue, 5 Dec 2017 20:27:22 -0500 ann sanfedele wrote:
>My personal favorite is for a very personal reason.. (in addition to it being 
>a lovely shot)
>I think I know those ravens at the Painted Desert!
>WHen did you take the photo, Jan?

It was taken on July 28, 2008, on a roadtrip starting in Phoenix,
and traveling over 5000 miles in a grey Mustang convertible,
visting about 10 parks along the way :)

This is directly next to the vistor centre in the Painted Desert,
when I drove up there from the Petrified Forest ...

>I named  the one in front "Sam" .. Ok, maybe it isn't Sam and his wife, but I 
>made friends with a Raven on the blue mesa overlook in the late 80's - He was 
>stealing crackers from me then I couldnt resist 
(what you are not supposed to do) feeding him.  A couple of years later, 
nearing the overlook , I saw a raven overhead and called out to him..
>damned if he didn't come in for a landing, right in front of me... much to the 
>delight of RIchard's daughter who was traveling with us.

Cute ...

>While it is unlikely Sam recognized me and was just looking for anyone to give 
>him a handout, the ranger
>said it was entirely possible it was the same guy, as ravens settle in to 
>favorite places and also mate for life.
>I took this photo of Sam in 1990 - and it got dolled up for inclusion in my 
>book of poetry..

Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;
Flickr : jvw_pentax

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