Larry, I'd try cleaning the contacts on the lens. "Spit & Polish".

Alan C

-----Original Message----- From: Larry Colen
Sent: 18 December, 2017 8:49 AM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: refusal to even attempt to focus

This afternoon I was photographing a heron at the Waldport seawall with
my K-1 and sigma 50-500 during low tide.  It had flown from one spot to
another, I was walking back to the new spot, photographing as I went,
and at one point the camera went completely out of focus, then wouldn't
even attempt to focus. I eventually got it back on track, got some more
shots, then the bird spooked, flew off (past me) I tried for some flight
photos but the lens again went completely out of focus, then refused to
do anything to get back into focus. With the bigma I couldn't (easily)
manually focus and I completely lost my opportunity for those BiF photos.

Does anyone know what causes the focus mechanism to freeze up like that,
or any way to convince it to try to refocus?

Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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