He's an American Cocker Spaniel, I'm not sure that I can recommend one.   The breed can be quite active, (kind of an understatement).  On the other hand it is one of the breeds that you can find fairly easily as a rescue.  He is a great friend, and now that he's older had mellowed quite a bit.  He really needs to be groomed every three to four months to keep his fur relatively short, otherwise he'll be way to shaggy.

On 8/7/2019 1:41 PM, John wrote:
Glad to see some variety among the 4 legged ...

Question for PJ: What breed of dog is that?

I've been thinking about getting a small, shaggy dog and that looks like it might be what I'm looking for ... the "shaggy" part anyway. Can't tell from the photo how small (or large) it is.

A small dog could ride with me when I go on photo safaris. I want to adopt an older "shelter" dog, so I don't have to worry about who will take care of it when I'm gone.

I like the cats, especially Ralf's goofy "Zenobe".

On 8/7/2019 02:59:24, Brian W wrote:
..here ya go, Cotty!

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Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

America wasn't founded so that we could all be better.
America was founded so we could all be anything we damn well please.
    - P.J. O'Rourke

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