On 9/9/2019 09:00:21, Adam Montoya wrote:
On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 8:45 PM John <jsessoms...@nc.rr.com> wrote:

On 9/7/2019 21:02:09, P. J. Alling wrote:
This could be fixed with signage.  There's a low underpass on the former
and Hartford, tracks where it crosses US1 in Madison CT, where tractor
used to regularly get their trailers either scalped or stuck.  Signs
were place
at several locations to warn of the impending doom, and they seem to
worked.  Hasn't been a stuck or wrecked trailer at that location in
several years.


11'8" is great.  That compilation video is a bit outdated though. It
doesn't include this beauty that was posted this year:

All I can say is "WOW!"

That's the farthest I've ever seen an 18 wheeler get stuck under there. Usually they tried to slooooooooooooly squeeze under there and got stuck**.

Gregson is a one way street & they get down to where the bridge is and can't make the tight turn left onto W. Peabody St.

One of the problems is commercial traffic from Main St turns south on Gregson to get out of downtown, and there are no signs on Main St. warning drivers about the low bridge BEFORE they make the turn.


But that guy was not only ignoring the bridge warnings, he was FLYING. The speed limit through there is only 25 mph (40 kmph) and he had to have been doing at least 50.

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