On 3/9/2020 9:03 AM, John wrote:
Can dogs see photos on a computer monitor?

NOT OT because I took the photo I'm trying to show him with my K20D.

Mine first Rottweiler could, but it had to be of something that was of interest to her. A picture of a dog or a cat would get her interest, a picture of a flower, not so much. My wife buys a picture calendar of the Rottweiler breed every year. Every month, we had the ritual of turning up the calendar to the new month and having Leica bark at it for a few minutes. One day I had her in the camera store I was working at. She spotted one of the life size cardboard cutouts of a young lady holding a camera that Fuji was using to pimp their stuff. That was cause for great distress and much barking. I've never had another dog that showed that much interest in the inanimate, but I have also never had or had anything to do with another dog as intelligent as that one.

To answer your question, yes, but I think with caveats. I expect you can tell how intelligent the dog is by the interest it takes in something like what you are talking about.


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