For me, the only remaining advantage of FF over smaller sensor size is the smaller depth of field of FF, when this can be simulated nicely in software, I will be ready to step over to smaller sensor sizes. Mirrorless is the future, I think, as it gives more freedom to the lens designer because no need for additional tricks to create room for the mirror, so: better lenses at less costs.

On 01/08/2020 08:36, Larry Colen wrote:

On Jul 31, 2020, at 1:34 AM, Henk Terhell <> wrote:

Not that this provides any new information, but there is now a dedicated  
webpage of the Ricoh/Pentax product planning guy  on progress of the new APS-C 
flagship. <>

I've been considering that with 4-5 years between the K-1 and the new aps 
flagship, that's like three Moore's law cycles, almost 4, and in theory one 
moore's law cycle would account for the performance difference betwen aps and 
FF in sensor performance. The K-3 already outperforms the K-1 in terms of frame 
rate and buffer size. If it's really going to be flagship level, they should 
take all of the improvements in autofocus, and expand on them.  By the time the 
dust settles, if they do it right,  I'd expect that the only advantage the K-1 
will retain is a wider angle of  view on full frame lenses, and for some, the 
larger body would fit better in their hands.

I also know that if they even hint at a K-1 successor before the new aps is 
released, it would torpedo the sales of the aps.  I do, however, hope that 
there is a new ff body in the pipeline, and that it will be released as soon as 
they can after the aps.

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