On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 12:13 PM Igor PDML-StR <pdml...@komkon.org> wrote:
> It looks like a renewed challenge for photographers: speed photographing
> in public places:
> And this has more varieties, I think, because the poses are offered by the
> gymnasts themselves:
> https://www.facebook.com/JordanMatterPhotography/videos/1248163762195025/

I have worked with a lot of dancers, Igor, and what I can tell you is
that they bring an enormous individual repertoire and personal style
to the project. Ie, you are photographing *that* dancer and his or her
unique style, not just some generic dance poses from a generic dance

You hear Jordan saying things like, "do something pretty here", and
that's the best way to go because then you are getting the most
creativity from the talent. More than any other models I'd say if you
micro-manage dancers you're wasting everyone's time and abilities.


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