Hi all,

I made it back to NZ in one piece.  Flights were nice and smooth but 
I'm really feeling the effects of 26 hours flying plus 13 hours of 
jet-lag, and more security checks and paper forms than I care to 
remember.  LA had more forms but Auckland had more checking 
(including sniffer dogs).  My last flight landed at 8:20am in a -4deg 
(celcius) frost; its a bit cold down this way today... and I have to 
try and stay awake all day :)

Had a few new toys to play with, the FA*400mm f/5.6 which seems to be 
in pretty good condition, and the Z-1p grip which is very nice (it'd 
be even better if I used my right eye).  I took the 400mm out for a 
spin in the park earlier but I am so tired I had to give up and bake 
my brain on the internet until its late enough to go to bed.  What 
little impression I have of it is that its quite nice to use.

I tried out the 6x7 TTL prism finder I bought at Photographica, the 
one I thought was broken because I couldn't see the needle.  Well it 
definitely functions but it is in need of calibration.  Flipping the 
switch to "on" brings the needle into view but its a couple of stops 
out, as far as I can tell.  The needle swings back out of view when 
switched off.  My new Rodenstock 3x loupe for 6x6 is very nice, if I 
do say so myself.

I had a look through about a dozen rolls worth of prints.  Got some 
nice photos of Cotty and Bob W but they won't be made public without 
permission :)  Also have a couple of bad pictures of Peter's monster 

Its really strange using a real computer again after two months of 
being stuck with a laptop... boy does this screen look big now.


- Dave

http://www.digistar.com/~dmann/ (out of date)
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