On Jan 2, 2022, at 4:45 PM, John Francis <jo...@panix.com> wrote:

> I haven't had the opportunity to play with a 5K monitor, so I don't know if
> I'd be able to spot any differences.

I noticed a while ago that photos presented on the web for hidpi monitors 
looked much sharper than normal-sized images that are automatically rescaled 
(look up the "srcset" attribute if you're interested).  I eventually ran some 
tests then modified my own site to support them.  The file sizes are much 
larger but it's well worth it... speaking as someone on an unlimited-data fibre 

Text also looks so much better. YMMV of course, depending on your eyes. I'm 
overdue for another test.

I doubt I'd see much difference with a 4K TV (which we have, but haven't fed it 
any 4K content as yet), because I sit a lot further away from it.

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