Am 13.04.23 um 22:58 schrieb ann sanfedele:

May I ask,  what is your thing about going to Dunkirk each Easter?

Not only on Easter but also some time in autumn and over Xmas and the
New Year.

It has become a tradition and a kind of second home. We love the area
because it has a number of advantages. It's on the sea, we can be on the
Belgian coast in 30 minutes and in England in a little over 2 hours. We
can spend a day shopping and sightseeing in Kent and be back 'home' in
France in the late evening. We love the North Sea, especially when it's
rough and stormy. Did I mention the enormous steel mill and the sea port
full of great things to photograph?

If I could create the ideal place for me it would be just like that. We
might even have moved there, years ago, but with two elderly mothers,
things weren't as easy and now we're ourselves a little old for that.

In the meantime, things have changed. Our friend who used to take care
of our cats while we were gone hasn't survived her heart surgery, our
landlord in Dunkirk has fallen from the roof and most of all there are
the migrants, or rather the French police who think two guys in a car
with German numberplates hanging around at the beach or in the harbour
have got to be people smugglers.


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
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